Monday, June 29, 2015

Min grönnie heter Syster Jackson

Heyyyyy! I am going to try to be faster than I normally am because we had a big party for a few people's birthdays in Täby so that took a lot of our p-day. And I am sick so I took a nap. I don't know what the deal is but my throat has been sore for a few weeks but an elder here got sick and I think I got it too. 

So.... I am in Stockholm haha. And we have gotten lost...... so many times. But it's pretty fun because we just talk to people and meet people we would have never met if we knew what we were doing, so it's good. :) Sister Jackson is my companion! She's from Logan and she's super cute. She's super calm which is good for me. But she also has really high expectations for the mission and it's been fun to see that and to try to adjust myself to them. I remember how I felt when I first got here, and I want her to LOVE her first two transfers and to see miracles and be everything she hoped her trainer would be. But.... it's stressful to double into an area. It's hard trying to set up the week without knowing anyone and having a ton of people not answer. But I'm sure it'll work out. But it's nice to know that I am not supposed to know everything. 

So let's see... a rundown of my week. We picked up the greenies and then went to our apartment with 5 suitcases.... And our apartment is the most expensive in the mission. It is NIIIIIIIIIIICE. It's seriously in the heart of Stockholm, and the Elders got kicked out of it and we got it haha. But since elders had it we definitely found it pretty empty.... and with fruit flies. But we got it taken care of haha. We met with Catherine who has a baptismal date (BARBY IS GETTING BAPTIZED ON FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!! And I might be able to go...maybe.) but anyways she is super cute and I look forward to teaching her. And we met this AWESOME guy named Jonathon. He is an RM and he is... well.... I'll just say it as the elders said it, "he is thirsty for the teach.... quench his thirst!" He is fantastic. He has given us two referrals and comes with us to teach. He is way fired up about missionary work. They have an amazing YSA center here so all the young people are so well taken care of! 

Everyone says Stockholm is a really hard place to do missionary work in, but we gave away two Books of Mormon and had a lesson on the street in our first day here so I think it's really fun! We also met with a guy named Kamel who is from Syria and he is ridiculously prepared for the gospel. He loved the restoration and was like, "I didn't know about Joseph Smith before! No one ever told me." I really look forward to meeting with him again. We played a game of soccer and I got rocked by our bishop. He's German! He recognized that my last name is German too. But he's amazing. The whole ward is. There are 4 American families and we already got invited over for a fourth of July party haha. I can't wait. But everyone came up and talked to us and is super willing to help. It's weird to be in a ward after being in a branch. There were SO many youth and we taught Sunday school. Super fun! 

I was really worried about my Swedish and sense of direction in coming here... and I found out my Swedish is totally fine and my sense of direction is embarrassingly bad haha. I can definitely get by now by just asking what a few words mean here and there so that was a huge relief. The Swedish here is really fast but really pure. I have got to choose what accent I want though because I have got this American Swedish with touches of everywhere I have been so far haha. 

But yeah, I don't know if you guys feel the work hastening over there but I feel it here. Almost everyone has talked with missionaries before it feels like... and I am seeing a lot of promises made specifically to Sweden being fulfilled. Just from a missionary perspective, I know I wish I would have done SO much more to be a member missionary, and I plan on changing when I come home. But definitely don't forget to look around and pray and ask God if there is someone you can help to bring to the missionaries. :)

Love you all! Have the best week ever. And thank you all for your prayers. 


Syster Stetler

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