Friday, June 5, 2015

Happy Mother's Day: Round 2!

Hey family! I hope all is well!  I've been reading in Jesus the Christ and it's AMAZING. Are you guys still reading that? I am ready for some summer weather but I don't know when it's coming... but I did buy some awesome animal print rain boots. Also, I have been having some allergy issues.
This week consisted of baptismal dates, blåsts (appointments falling through), rain, and language barriers. That about sums it up! Barbara wants to be baptized! She has been incredibly prepared and has a strong testimony. We met with her this week and found out her ex husband is a less active we teach, an investigator we taught is her son, and another of her sons is a less active we met on a bus. Some crazy family ties. Also, Brad wants to be baptized as well! Brad is super great, but he needs to come to church! We met with Alvin and some other really great people this week, but the language barrier was just too much. We are working on getting translators for everyone. It's so sad when we can't even give a Book of Mormon to people in their own language... I can't wait until it is in every language! We had a couple of lessons with people for the first time that really weren't so good. One family tried to set us up with their sons and take them to America, so that was special. We also had some great lessons, we visited a guy named Kevin that doesn't believe in God, but really wants to find Him. He was so sincere and I am really excited to meet with him again, and he's a Swede! We don't teach Swedes super often haha.
Let's see... what else... we got a new branch president! It's our mission leader, Peter. He's the most incredible person ever. He has had so many trials and he is just rock solid in the gospel, we love him! We go over to his house every Tuesday and his grand-kids are often there and they are SO cute. Little kid's Swedish is just to die for. I learned a lot of new words from them, about monsters and dragons haha. We also went through the ward list and got a bunch of new people to visit, less actives. It's sad to see how many there are. But I am excited to be able to go and meet them!
I think that's about it for me! It was Swedish Mother's Day so happy mother's day again, Mom! I love you tons! :)
Syster Stetler

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