I am going to Gävle! ... Be careful how you say that, haha. It's incredibly close to a bad word, I guess. Pronunciation: Geh-vleh So a little ways south. Sister Savage is training, and she will be an incredible trainer! That is where Sister Modersitzki was trained and she has shown me pictures that are just gorgeous! Oh, and she is going to be in my district, so that's going to be all too much fun! Saying goodbye to the ward members has been so hard. I didn't know I would come to love these people so much as I struggled with Swedish, but I really have. Today and tomorrow I am saying goodbye to our investigators and that will be even harder, I think.
Investigators: We invited Johnny to baptism this week, and he said he wanted to be baptized! He just wanted to pray about it before he set a date. I am very excited for him; he will be an incredible member of the church. Andy hasn't answered us all week, and didn't come to church. I am not sure what happened.. Our lesson with Henry went well. We invited him to fast, and see if he could get an answer from God that way. We fasted with him, but he didn't come to church, so that makes it hard to receive an answer.
Besides that, there isn't too much to say! Everyone we work with was either working, taking tests (we have done a lot of work in the college area), had a baby, went to Africa, or just didn't want to meet. We made snickerdoodles for some old investigators and they were a hit. A classic American treat. Church was incredible, President Newell is the MAN! He inspires me so much. He gave a great lesson about spiritual questions. "The words from the Savior himself in 3 Nephi 14:7 are not just a good suggestion. It is a commandment to ask, seek, and knock." Conference is a great time to have spiritual questions, and to pray and receive answers/confirmation. I am so excited!!!!! This is our Superbowl! Haha
Ok, I love you all! Have a great week! =)
Syster Stetler
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